Monday, September 21, 2009

Celebrate with me!

Guess what? Thursday is National Punctuation Day! Isn't that exciting? What is your favorite punctuation mark? (Leave me a comment telling me which one and why!) What should we do in class to mark (ha - no pun intended...) this historic occasion? Any ideas? (Again, use that comment feature and let me in on your ideas!) For more information, go to

Other neat happenings that you might enjoy:

Saturday, September 26: Warren County Poetry Festival at Blair Academy (Blairstown, NJ)
Saturday, September 26: Grand Opening of Poets House (Battery Park City, NY)
Saturday-Sunday, September 26-27: Peter's Valley Art Festival (Sussex County Fairgrounds)

For more information, please see the chalkboard in Room 215.


zaakara said...

My favorite punctuation mark is the question mark. I like it because it asks a question, and asking questions makes you smarter, because you know that you don't know something. ????????????????

katielady said...

i think we should bring in amazingly good foods(in the shape of punctuation marks) and have a huge celebration and have a lot of fun....not that we dont have fun everyday in your class =]

Stephanie Lynn said...

I think I'd have to say that my favorite punctuation mark is the question mark. It leaves you wondering; it lets your mind go in all different directions to answer whatever question is in front of you.

Margaret Michaels said...
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madi said...

I have to say my favorite punctuation mark is the period. Even if you're writing down something completely emotional and you're crying your eyes out while doing it, if you end it with a period everyone assumes you were very calm and level-headed while writing it. It's a pretty good trick! I personally say we bring in some delicious foods...

Kimbee14 said...

We need like lots of snacks. I say each week at least 2 people should bring in food for the whole class.

oKayy said...
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Amanda said...

my favorite punctuation mark is the exclaimation point! it makes normal sentences seem more enthusiastic then they actually are. To celebrate, the class should bring in candies/ food that look like punctuation marks.

oKayy said...

Let's retry this:
Semi colons are where it's at.

gabriela said...

Bake A Comma!!! hmmm my favorite puncation mark.... would have to be "~" it reminds me of the infinty symbol except only half of it.=]

HaveHope268 said...

I think we should all adapt to the identity of our favorite punctuation mark, e.g. My favorite punctuation mark is a semi-colon, therefore I would make an index card with a semi-colon and wear it on my shirt all day. I would only respond to "Semi-colon" or perhaps "Semi" for short. When asked why I am wearing a semi-colon on my shirt I would then respond by explaining why semi-colons are important and that they should be used often to avoid comma splices between two sentences and how they can be very effective in connecting two similar ideas.

And if all else fails...we can just eat Dunkin Donuts and call them periods...

HaveHope268 said...

And I just realized a seriously bad run-on sentence in my last post. Commas would be nice before all my "and"s in second to last sentence.

Margaret Michaels said...

My favorite punctuation mark is a set of parenthesis that contain almost random but still apporpriate context. (I constatly use them in my writing and especially when I take notes.) Although I read on a website that using parenthesis too much in your writing could be considered 'unhealthy' I don't beleive that. Parenthesis can make writing more fun. There is even a word for being excessively addicted to parenthesis, preterplyparenthetical. (I discovered it this summer @ Geek camp during a dictionary game. (So much fun!))
Oh, and I really don't have a grand suggestion for what we should do in class.

electric-blue-moon said...

Hmmm, well I guess that my favorite punctuation mark would have to be the question mark. Mostly that is because I like asking questions and when I'm writing I love trying to start my poem with a question. I guess that sounds a bit strange, but it makes since to me. Anyway though, I agree with everyone else on the food matter. Food is a must for an amazing punctuation day.

Sammas said...

Favorite punctuation mark is the "STOP" read aloud at the end of a telegram... technically not an actual mark of punctuation... but i'd like to think it is. Oh and i'm bring apostrophes tomorrow.